Core: Principles



Principle 1: Individuality

Core: Principle 1.


To thine own self be true. The vow you made to never be ordinary. To forever be one of the few. To forge your own path and remain true to yourself. This thinking is at the core of the success you achieve in life. A life of self-determination.

Principle 2: Freedom

Core: Principle 2.


Freedom is everything. It should be as fundamental as air. If only this were true. The freedom to choose. The room to breathe. Spaces to relax, sit, and talk. The time to gather with trusted friends and exchange ideas. If only someone could clear your life of the clutter and distractions, so you could do exactly what you wish, when you wish. So simple, really. But so rare.

Principle 3: Knowledge

Core: Principle 3.


Knowledge itself, Bacon said, is power. You know what you want. You know what works—and what doesn’t. That’s why you make the decisions. But what if someone knew you well enough to anticipate what you wanted before you asked for it? What if someone knew you well enough to suggest something else? Something better? Something you didn’t know about. Knowledge is power. But when knowledge is paired with intelligence, all things are possible.

Principle 4: Beauty

Core: Principle 4.


Some things, it seems, were created simply to impress, to dazzle. Maybe even to overwhelm. But the most beautiful things are those that endure, the creations you come back to again and again. A spectacular work of art. The building that alters our connection to earth and sky. The things that draw us in over and over offer inspiration, even relief. Beauty has many advantages. But perhaps most underrated is how it transforms us. Beautiful, isn’t it?

Principle 5: Strength

Core: Principle 5.


Strength is more than force, more than muscle. Strength is focus. Commitment. Strength is fortitude. It gives you the power to endure, to perform at your best, day in and day out. Being strong means you possess a solid core that enables you, no matter what, to take on all comers. Strength runs deep. It’s your forte. And ours.

Principle 6: Happiness

Core: Principle 6.


Worry’s greatest nemesis? A healthy dose of something, someplace, someone that makes you happy. Maybe it’s a seat on the aisle. An introduction to someone you admire. A great dinner at your favorite spot with your closest friend. The waiter always knows what you want. How can anxiety compete?

Principle 7: Community

Core: Principle 7.


There are people you take your leave of at the end of the day, and people you hold on to. The company you keep is everything. They help you relax, reflect, and recharge. You know who they are: A mix of trusted, dynamic, intelligent, and inspiring individuals. They know you: A trusted, dynamic, intelligent, and inspiring individual. E pluribus unum. Not a bad motto.